Many Talents … One Dream
The Dance Ability Movement creates opportunities for individuals of all abilities to experience the arts! Occupational Therapists and Dance Instructors, Mallory and Jade, have created The Dance Ability Movement as a way to provide inclusive and accessible programming in dance studios so that everyone can participate!
Join us in making dreams come true!
Dance Ability Movement Programs
The Dance Ability Movement includes a creative team of Occupational Therapists, Dance Instructors, and many other qualified health and art professionals. We offer a variety of program options for students of all ages.
If you have a new idea for a class or program please CONTACT US!
Program Locations and Host Studios
Choose from our host studios in your area. Click the link for class schedule and program information.
Welcome Volunteers!
Interested in volunteering at one of our locations? We are currently accepting applications for Volunteers for Full Year Programming (October-June) sessions at all locations! It’s a great way to get Community Service Hours for High School Students! LEARN MORE…
Dance Ability News and Events
Congratulations Amy Davis on being February’s volunteer of the month!
Amy was nominated by one of our DAM instructors for going above and beyond. She came to us through a school program where she is working on learning more about how dance and Occupational Therapy (OT) can come together to spread inclusion to more places. Her FUTURE as an OT [...]
Making Your Virtual Dance Party a Magical Experience!
The birthday girls and their family dancing together and having fun! Just because we’re self-isolating doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the birthdays that are happening! With a little bit of creativity, we can still bring families and friends together to celebrate your birthday with lots of dance and [...]
Families are at the Heart of what we do!
Click on the image for the PDF version The Dance Ability Movement is a community made up of dancers, volunteers, teachers and occupational therapists who are involved in classes together to share in the joy of dance and let their inner dancer shine. However, all of this is [...]
DA Parent Portal
Please sign in or create an account in our PARENT PORTAL to register for classes, see the class schedules and more.
DANCE WORKSHOP ALLISTON dancers – CLICK HERE to register with Miss Colleen at her parent portal.